Getting The Results You Should Expect When Hiring An Immigration Attorney

About Eligibility For Asylum

You may qualify for asylum in the United States if you can demonstrate a credible fear of persecution in your country because of your race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. To apply for asylum, you must be a non-U.S. citizen and be physically present in the U.S. Time is often of the essence for asylum applicants who may have crossed the border without documentation.

At ERM Immigration in Seattle, we assist people applying for asylum. Afterward, we also help them apply for immigration solutions to bring their family members to the U.S., as well.

Get Ready For Your Asylum Application And Credible Fear Interview

If we represent you, we will help determine whether you should apply with the online Form I-589 application or a paper version of the I-589. We will help you gather evidence of the credible fear that drove you out of your country.

If applicable, we can also help you apply for legal status for your spouse and unmarried children under age 21. Our team will help both you and your family members verify the conditions in your country that led you to seek asylum in the U.S.

Why Should You Call ERM Immigration About Asylum And More?

At ERM Immigration, we are experienced, skilled and empathetic. Every potential client of our firm receives our respect and a warm welcome. If we can improve your chances for asylee status, we will let you know how we will work with you to do that. We will then stay available for further immigration law services that you may need.

We hope to hear from you about your immigration needs, such as an asylum application. Reach us by email or by phone at 206-745-9241.

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