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About Family-Preference Visas For Your Extended Family Members

As a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR or green card holder), you can petition to bring certain immediate family members to the U.S. as green card holders without regard to quotas. Your spouse, minor children and parents fall into this category. Extended family members, on the other hand, can apply with your sponsorship, but they will need to wait for the availability of visas. The necessary time frame can be many months or years as extended family members fall under specific preference categories with limited numbers of visas available each year. This often results in longer wait times for visa availability.

At ERM Immigration in Seattle, we work hard to find the most efficient pathways to immigration for our clients. A family preference visa may be a good option for you and your extended family member, or another pathway such as an educational or work visa, may be faster.

Varieties Of Family Preference Visas

As a U.S. citizen, you may be able to sponsor your family member for a green card in the U.S. on a visa such as the following:

  • F1: Your unmarried son or daughter, age 21 and older
  • F2A: Your spouse and/or children if you are a green card holder
  • F2B: Your unmarried son or daughter, age 21 and older, if you are a green card holder
  • F3: Your married sons and daughters if you are a U.S. citizen
  • F4: Your brothers or sisters, if you are a U.S. citizen age 21 or older

Spouses and unmarried children of applicants in any of these categories may apply as derivative applicants. A derivative applicant is a family member who can obtain immigration benefits through the principal applicant’s petition. In the context of family preference visas, spouses and unmarried children (under 21) of the principal applicant can apply as derivative applicants. This means that if the principal applicant is granted a visa, their eligible family members can also receive visas based on the same petition, allowing them to immigrate together.

These categories are subject to annual numerical limits, which means there can be significant wait times for visa availability, especially for certain categories like F3 and F4. It’s important to consult with an immigration attorney or specialist to understand the best pathway for your specific situation. In general, applications higher on this list tend to go through more quickly than those lower on the list. Wait times vary from about a year and a half to up to 10 years.

No matter whether you are the intended applicant or the U.S. citizen or LPR hoping to sponsor your family member, we are happy to advise you. If a family preference visa makes sense for you and your relatives, we are here to help facilitate your success in applying and monitoring the status of your application over time.

Turn To ERM Immigration With Confidence

We are knowledgeable, personable and dedicated to helping you reunify your family through immigration to the U.S. if it is an option for you.

To schedule a consultation, call 206-745-9241 or send an email inquiry about family preference visas or any immigration topic.

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