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Is it possible to speed up the family-based immigration process?

On Behalf of | Sep 14, 2023 | Family Immigration

If you are researching U.S. family-based immigration topics, you probably know it can take time to process your family-based visa. Typically, this is due to the large volume of applications the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) must handle.

Unfortunately, this means families often wait months or years before reuniting. Like others, you may wonder if you can do anything to make the visa process faster. Here are two options to consider.

Request expedited service

Those with spouses or immediate family members who currently reside outside the U.S. may request the expedited processing of their visa application. However, this service is only for those facing exceptional circumstances or an emergency.

In family-based immigration, examples of exceptional circumstances include:

  • Illness or disability
  • Need for urgent medical care
  • Death of a relative
  • Extreme living conditions

Expedited service may also be available when vulnerable people face safety risks without fast application processing.

Contact your congressperson

Congressional representatives assist with family immigration by submitting inquiries to federal agencies on behalf of applicants or sponsors. These inquiries can highlight cases experiencing delays or other problems — often incentivizing involved agencies to act.

While your representative lacks the authority to resolve your case directly, they can use their influence to draw attention to the matter. For example, they can request updates on the application status or ask for faster processing times on your behalf.

Of course, legal guidance can be an invaluable resource for those who need a family-based visa as quickly as possible. It can help you ensure that your paperwork is accurate and error-free and safeguard your and your family member’s rights.